Missions Committee
(Janell Ward, Chairperson, contact through church office)
The missions committee of Walker United Methodist Church leads the congregation in ministry
to the community and beyond. This ministry is primarily in administrating humanitarian aid as we
attempt to fulfill Jesus’ calling of feeding and clothing those needing help with even basic needs.
Some examples include:
Coats for Kids. Through this program, each fall (October or November) the Missions Committee supplies new coats for children attending the Early Childhood Learning Center formerly known as Head Start in Greensboro. We are blessed to be able to supply an average of 85 coats for children infant to 6 years old.
Walker enjoys a special relationship with the Mizpah Methodist Church and school on the Island of Utila in Honduras. Each year a missions team travels to Utila and helps in construction needs of the buildings. They also teach a Vacation Bible school in the neighborhoods as well as distributing school, medical and hygiene supplies in the neighborhoods. The entire Walker congregation participates through financial gifts and supplies. Of course, more are always welcome on the team.
The Missions Committee has a birthday party at the Senior Center quarterly.
Walker contributes financially and through volunteers at Christian Outreach which is a centralized ministry for Greene County administered through all volunteer service that renders financial assistance such as medical or utility needs to name only two. Much of the funds to fulfill this ministry are derived from donations and sales from the Christian Outreach Thrift Store in which Walker members volunteer.
Walker supports the local food pantry through the annual drives for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner that is a special program of the pantry. We also contribute financially as well as additional food drives from time to time.
Walker financially supports and members volunteer with Meals on Wheels.
Walker contributes to the Greene County Christmas stocking through financial support, toy drive and volunteers.
Several United Methodist mission ministries are supported financially locally, nationally and globally. A few examples include:
Wellroot: the Georgia agency for the United Methodist Church that serves families in crisis through foster care programs and education to help families heal and learn how to be healthy (spiritually, emotionally and physically) families.
Wesley Woods: Several facilities throughout the state serving the elderly through assisted living ranging from apartments to assisted living to nursing home care. The cost to residence is based on income.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR): When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, UMCOR responds with help not only in the immediate crisis but in the long-term helping communities to rebuild.
Housing and Homeless: Walker supports this ministry that strives to minister to and help persons overcome homelessness. There are numerous and varied programs throughout the state in many geographical settings that strive to alleviate the struggle of housing and homelessness.
Walker supports the Red Bird Missionary Conference which is a mission arm of the United Methodist Church serving rural and impoverished areas of the Appalachians.